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Ezra Bible App

A modern and user-friendly Bible study app for your desktop, tablet and mobile

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“For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the LORD, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel.” Ezra 7:10

Ezra Bible App is a modern and user-friendly Bible app focussing on topical study based on keywords/tags. This program can help you to easily manage your topical verse lists and verse-based notes on your desktop or tablet computer. Ezra Bible App works with SWORD Bible translation modules and thus enables Bible study in many languages. It runs on Windows, macOS and Linux desktop computers, as well as on Android devices and Chromebooks. The user interface has been localized to English, Spanish, German, French, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Romanian, Slovakian, Ukrainian and Russian. Click here to download the latest release for your desktop pc or install the app from the Play Store on your Android device or Chromebook.

Usage / Howto / Screenshots

Watch this video to understand how to use Ezra Bible App.

You can also browse through some screenshots and photos on a separate gallery page.

If you have specific questions on how to use Ezra Bible App, feel free to participate in the discussions on GitHub.


Ezra Bible App comes with the following features:

A detailed list of features can be found on a separate page.

An overview of changes per release is available in the Change Log.

Upcoming Features

Ezra Bible App is currently on a quarterly release schedule. The next release 1.17 is planned for March 25 2025. Here are some of the most noteworthy upcoming features:


The latest installation packages for Windows, macOS and Linux can be found on GitHub. The Android app is available in the Play Store. Specific install instructions can be found on a separate page.

Discussions on GitHub

To give feedback and discuss about Ezra Bible App feel free to participate in the discussions on GitHub.


To file issues (bug reports, feature requests, etc.) please use the Github issue system. Click here to file a new Issue for Ezra Bible App.


Have a look at Ezra Bible App’s GitHub repository to find out more about its development.